To register a .GOV.NGdomain name through a NiRA accredited registrar, the Institution/MDA, through the registrar, must provide a scanned copy of an authorization letter signed by the head of the institution/MDA or the next officer in hierarchy.
1. The letter should be addressed to the Chief Operating Officer of NiRA
2. The scanned copy must be submitted to the registrar.
3. The letter should provide the following additional information:
minimum of two name servers;
two contact details of admin and technical persons;
The admin contact must be a member of staff of the institution/MDA.
The technical contact can either be a member of staff or a consultant to the institution/MDA in case a technical staff is not available; and
A name, designation, reachable phone number and email address must be stated for each of the contacts provided.
NiRA sends the letter to NITDA for verification and approval.
NITDA verifies by confirming the authenticity of the letter through a standard verification process and approves the requested domain name strictly in line with the .GOV.NGDomain Guidelines.
If the application successfully passes through the verification and approval process, NITDA sends an approval confirmation to the registrar through NiRA. Else, NITDA advises the registrar and registrant on the appropriate next step.
The registrar creates the domain and NiRA activates.